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The quest for perfection in the business world is a never-ending journey. While it might be impossible to achieve perfection in your workflow, it is possible to get closer to it every day with a well-structured system in place. This is what lean development has to offer companies that would love to perfect their craft.

在商业世界中追求完美是一个永无止境的旅程。 尽管可能无法在工作流程中实现完美,但有一个结构良好的系统,有可能每天都在与它接近。 这就是精益开发必须向愿意完善自己Craft.io的公司提供的。

An efficient business process not only means reduced losses but also increased customer satisfaction rates. To best reduce flaws, you ought to concentrate on eliminating waste while refining the intricate details that make your business tick. Having a firm grasp of how lean development works can easily make this possible.

有效的业务流程不仅意味着减少损失,而且还提高了客户满意度。 为了最大程度地减少缺陷,您应该集中精力消除浪费,同时完善使您的业务停滞不前的复杂细节。 牢牢掌握精益开发的工作方式可以轻松实现这一目标。

Understanding the Core Principles of Lean Development

Here’s how to use the core principles of lean development to your advantage.


了解价值 (Understand Value)

To what level does your customer value your product or services? Understanding your product’s value from the customer’s perspective is the initial step to determining how much they are willing to pay for your best products. You can then focus on eliminating the waste produced during the manufacturing process to meet the expected price.

您的客户对您的产品或服务的重视程度如何? 从客户的角度了解您产品的价值是确定他们愿意为您最好的产品支付多少的第一步。 然后,您可以集中精力消除制造过程中产生的废物,以达到预期的价格。

Some of the few ways to reduce waste, include avoiding to produce products when they are least needed, eliminating unnecessary transport, and steering away from the cost of holding inventory whereas it adds no value to the customer. Additionally, factors such as over processing or using superior tools to create a product while a simpler way would suffice should also be avoided.

减少浪费的几种方法中的一些方法包括:避免在最不需要的时候生产产品;消除不必要的运输;避免持有库存的成本,而这对客户没有任何价值。 另外,还应避免诸如过度加工或使用高级工具来创建产品,而更简单的方式就足够了的因素。

绘制价值流 (Map the Value Stream)

The value stream is a set of activities that need to take place within the workflow to produce the product in the expected value. To make sense of the value stream, visualizing it using a can help identify any loophole. Once you have an elaborate value stream map, pay attention to the intricate details of the workflow processes.

价值流是需要在工作流内进行的一系列活动,以产生预期价值的产品。 为了弄清价值流,使用对其进行可视化可以帮助识别任何漏洞。 一旦有了详尽的价值流图,请注意工作流程的复杂细节。

Not only will the map help in identifying and eliminating waste, but it will also help in determining the effectiveness of an alternative measure that the business can take. Ensure that your value stream starts from the onset of production and ends once the required product value is produced for effective analysis.

该地图不仅有助于识别和消除浪费,而且还有助于确定企业可以采取的替代措施的有效性。 确保您的价值流从生产开始就开始,并在产生所需的产品价值以进行有效分析后结束。

确保价值流流动 (Ensure That the Value Stream Flows)

The aim of the value stream is to ensure that every aspect of the manufacturing process happens with little friction. While you might have employed a strong value stream, it is possible that there are a few setbacks within the workflow. According to Small Business insights, other than looking at the waste producing parts of your workflow processes, pay attention to anything that can .

价值流的目的是确保制造过程的各个方面都保持很小的摩擦。 尽管您可能采用了强大的价值流,但工作流程中可能会遇到一些挫折。 根据小型企业的见解,除了查看工作流程过程中产生废物的部分外,还要注意可能 。

The sooner you can eliminate production bottlenecks, the better the quality of your products will be. Once you identify a task that has a negative influence on the flow of the value stream, either directly or indirectly find a way to eliminate it from the process. What you want to achieve is a streamlined workflow delivery process with minimal implementation issues.

越早消除生产瓶颈,产品质量就会越好。 一旦确定了对价值流产生负面影响的任务,就可以直接或间接地找到一种从流程中消除它的方法。 您想要实现的是一个精简的工作流交付过程,并且实现问题最少。

追求持续改进 (Pursue Continuous Improvement)

As mentioned earlier, achieving a perfect business environment that is waste-free is almost impossible. By eliminating one wasteful part of the business, you will be exposing it to yet another one. , the Japanese business practice of continuous improvement, will bring your business processes as close to perfection as they can get.

如前所述,建立一个无浪费的完美商业环境几乎是不可能的。 通过消除业务的一个浪费部分,您将把它暴露给另一部分。 持续改进的日本业务实践 ,将使您的业务流程尽可能接近完美。

Once your staff gets a hang on recent changes you made, take a look into the existing business processes and refine them further. With time and the accumulation of these minor changes, your business will enjoy increased efficiency and reduced losses.

一旦您的员工对您最近所做的更改有所了解,请查看现有的业务流程并进一步完善它们。 随着时间的推移和这些细微变化的累积,您的业务将获得更高的效率并减少损失。

结论 (Conclusion)

Delivering quality to your customers is a sure way to stay ahead of competitors. Since every other business understands this, then continuous improvement will further increase the competitive edge that you bring to the table. Follow the above steps to increase your customer satisfaction rates.

为您的客户提供质量是确保领先于竞争对手的肯定方法。 由于其他所有企业都知道这一点,因此持续改进将进一步提高您带来的竞争优势。 请按照上述步骤来提高您的客户满意度。




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